Hello, My name is Enhar Hatem. I am curious about how this class will continue throughout the semester. Last Semester was full of surprise writings that I would have never guessed, but nevertheless, it was fun.

My Winter break was a rollercoaster ride.  There was a lot going on, so I down’t really get to enjoy it. I am looking forward to other breaks to actually take a break for myself.

Being an Online student Is both a positive and negative outcome for me. I don’t mind going to in person classes and doing online it works around my schdedule better.

This is my grandfather. He is my pride and joy, whenever something exciting, sad, frustrating, or annoying happens to me I tell him. I share with him my hopes and dreams, which makes him happy. And I love making him happy. He is the reason why I keep pushing to do my best and work hard for what I want to accomplish. He is my world.