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Category: Announcements (Page 4 of 5)

Extension on Capstone

I have had family matters to deal with, and have been slow in noting grades thus far, so I am giving all my classes an extension on their UNIT 1 Capstone Assignment. New due date: Oct 1 midnight.

Enjoy the long vacation week-end. Remember: our next class is Wed 28, and then also Thu 29.

Extension. More time. Enjoy the season change.

P.S. You are certainly welcome to submit your work earlier, should you like. : )

The Mist. (Aaaaugh!)

Okay, so I watched the trailer for The Mist, as promised. And, well, no, I can’t say that it’s my kind of film. (In fact, I found the trailer itself too scary.)

However, that doesn’t mean that others might feel differently, and that it wouldn’t be truly interesting to hear why.

I always look stuff up. ^^Here is the director and the writer, for instance. I don’t know the director, but the movie is based on the book by Stephen King. Classic! I think I have read at least 5 or 6 of his books and liked them. One year, I even made one of his books required reading for ENG 1101. (It’s called On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, and it is one of the only books on how to write that don’t make me cringe. I totally recommend buying it, but you can read it Online, too.)

All that said, Horror is a genre that is pretty diverse. And, well, I could handle a lot of King, but not The Mist as a movie. At least not now, at this stage of my life. Well, at least I tried.

On to another topic: Discourse Communities and how you know you are in one. Here is what my Fantasy Football scores look like as of Sunday afternoon:


None of this stuff ^^ made any sense to me before last year. That’s how I know I have entered a so-called discourse community. It looked like another language.

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