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Diary entry 2 Tasanvir

I went to Trader Joe’s a few days ago and I saw these women fighting over toilet paper. It was an old women and a a young adult this is sad no respect for the elderly people I wonder how they are getting there groceries during this crisis.

Diary Entry 2 Ruhshona

I’m trying my best to stay inside most of the time the first few days I actually liked staying home and doing nothing but now I’m getting tired of it. I went out yesterday for a walk with a few of my friends because I felt like I was suffocating in my own house there were less people on the streets and some of the stores were closed. Most of my online classes have already started so I got up today around 10 to finish my online math homework then I had some breakfast and watched Netflix for a while I’m not really sure how I’m going to spend the rest of my  day but I’m trying my best to stay productive I might go for a run later in the afternoon on sheepshead bay next to the water because all of the gyms are currently closed or just stay home and hang out with my family.

Diary Entry 2__Yash

I’ve been feeling alright since last week Thursday, I haven’t really been in quarantine though. I go out to skate sometimes, I’m also a smoker so I kind of have to go outside. Since the streets have been deserted I go out bombing (to bomb or hit is to paint many surfaces in an area, i.e do graffiti). The other day I walked all of Northern Blvd in Jackson Heights with my friend Tocer2. Then we turned on Broadway and walked to Astoria. I know my friends skate the city since midtown is deserted too. I haven’t really gone to the city, just because I’m too lazy but I plan on going later this week to buy some clothes. I’ve been pretty calm about the whole thing. Yesterday I found out that there has been in 10 cases of people testing positive for covid-19 in Jackson Heights, here in Queens where I’m from. That made me a little cautious, maybe even a little nervous to be honest. Today my mom comes back from Colombia, so I plan on staying inside the house today until my mom lands in JFK. I’m nervous for her because I don’t want her catching corona in the airplane, her health hasn’t been so good lately so I’m scared that can get sick easily.

Diary Entry 2 Yesenia Matute

Diary Entry 2 Yesenia Matute

I been good, I been buying to many thing for my house every time I go out I buy new thing that I need. I feel like i been buying things that I don’t need but I still buy it . I clean my house every day. Every time I come home from outside I go to my bathroom and wash my hands. I feel like being in my house will drive me crazy. My cousins, sister,a and I try to keep our self occupy. We all put our phones down and then we try to do something all together. We bought coloring books, word search books, and we bought some bored games. We are trying to keep our self occupied we don’t want to be so much on our phone.

Corona virus

Doctors and nurses around the world are risking their lives to treat all of the patients with corona virus please stay at home not only for your sake but theirs too

Your first (simple, but really important) assignment in our new Online environment is:

WEEK of March 19-20: This assignment is required of each student. If you have not yet posted to our site, I can’t add you to the new Members Links I have created on the site, and it will be much harder for me to track your work and give you credit.

Assignment for Week of March 19-20, Due Mar 23: Write a post to this site. Title it Diary Entry 2 and put your FIRST NAME in the title. For example: Diary Entry 2_Sarah.  Write about how you are doing now; how you have been doing up to now; add details, names, places — don’t just speak in generalities. Say what you’ve been up to, and/or what those close to you have been up to.

I am not grading you on perfect grammar here, but you should be as clear and error free as possible, and use language in an honest, direct, and understandable way. Keep the reader’s experience in mind, even if that reader is only you. Write like you care and you mean it. There is no length requirement, per se. Write what you wish.

Note 1: Please note that I changed the Privacy settings so that only those registered to our course can see the posts. However, if you still feel that you would like to have only me (the Professor) read your post, please adjust the “Visibility” setting on the upper right of your screen from “Public” to “Private.”

Note 2: During the last two classes before Recess, we all discussed how to post to OpenLab. Most of you complied with my first request to post, and I’ve already recorded your entries. Great! If you are still having trouble, see the OpenLab Help pages link.

Note 3: I strongly suggest you start doing your Online work on a device larger than a phone — at least at first — as the mobile interface is harder to navigate.


Letter to Class from Prof. S 03.13.2020

You are welcome to share your thoughts in “Comments” and to respond to each other’s comments as well. -ss


Mar 13, 2020

Dear Class,

First of all, I want to say how much I miss seeing each and every one of you in person. Nothing can replace gathering, seeing each other, talking, sharing in circle time. That said, there is great potential in this time as well. I want to share with you some “pros” that may well come out of our writing and working in this new Online environment:

1)Writing can be more intimate than talking. The page (paper, screen, whatever we are using as a surface) slows us down, and that’s a good thing. It allows us time to compose our thoughts. We don’t have to rush to fill an awkward silence like we do when talking to someone in person or on the phone. We say what we mean, and what we might otherwise not be able to say in person.

2)Listening isn’t always the easiest thing in the world, either. When you are reading, you have more time to think over the other person’s thoughts and “digest” them, get in touch with how you feel about them. You also have more time to consider your response.

3)A well-considered response is often a better response. Other people will thank you for your effort. You may even gain more language and vocabulary in the process – and retain your lessons longer.

4)”Shy people” make great writers. Those of us who feel uncomfortable to speak aloud in class are often the ones who speak the “loudest” on the page. Being “quiet”… having a self-analytical personality…well, that’s just a recipe for being a good writer. Maybe even a professional writer. : – )

I will stop there for now. You get the picture.

I also want to say that I am facing a lot of challenges, too. During this recess I have to figure out how to give you the same, high level of instruction you deserve. I am doing a lot of learning on how to adapt our course work to the online environment. What’s more, you need to feel safe in that environment, just as you do in class. I am getting up to speed, so that by March 19 I can: Tell you what’s expected of you; Tell you when I’m expecting it; Tell you the format/how you can submit it; Keep a sense of community/communication open for you with other students; Make it possible for you to reach me when you need help. Oh yes, I also want learning to be fun!

As you know, I can be a pretty unorthodox teacher, and you can well imagine that I have a lot of adapting to do here. (Can I still get chalk on my pants Online?) I hope you will bear with me while I do it. I think this will be a good ride, and that we are all going to learn, so let’s all keep our class community strong during this crisis and come through.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being such a great class.

-Prof. Schmerler

Announcement from Professor: We are officially not meeting in class…

..and what’s more, we are “on recess” for the next few days. I will find out how the English Dept. plans to handle this situation, and also, inform you as clearly as I possibly can on how to proceed over these next few days.

Meantime, I am going to copy below, verbatim, the notice I just received:

All CUNY schools will have a five-day instructional recess March 12-18. There will be no physical classes on campus. Students and faculty will be working on getting ready to have classes delivered via distance-learning for the remainder of the Spring semester.

CUNY’s 25 campuses, including dorms, libraries, research facilities, and essential on-campus services will remain open.

During the five-day recess, we expect students, faculty and staff to finish their plans to transition all instruction to distance education. Starting March 19, classes will resume in distance-learning form for the remainder of the Spring semester.

As always, the health and safety of the University community remains our top priority. These measures allows CUNY to continue serving its students while alleviating pressure on our areas during this public health threat.

More details will follow.

Stephen M. Soiffer, PhD

Special Assistant to the President

City Tech (New York City College of Technology)/CUNY”

My Thoughts on Corona

During this coronavirus I’ve felt very scared about riding the trains and being around so many people. Everyone is changing and there’s so much racism, which is not ok. People are wearing gloves and masks. Although, this virus can really only hurt older people and people with weak immune systems. I’m only really  worried about my grandparents. I’m coping this situation by washing my hands as much as I can and always putting hand sanitizer before and after riding the train. I’ve been trying not to touch my face as much as I can. I never thought this would ever happen. My brother works at my local hospital and he says there’s two people there who have been confirmed with corona and one is in severe condition. One positive thing I took out of this situation is that you have to be aware of your surroundings and if you feel sick you should go to the hospital before it spreads even more. 

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