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Next Steps — Work you are doing before our next Zoom meeting on Apr 29

For Apr 29, you are doing two things. 1) continuing to write in your regular diaries. and 2) Creating a new document in Google Docs on your Skills/Interest. This is  a work in progress for UNIT III. Look in the MENU above for this site and you will see a new listing there called GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER. In the orange shared SKILL folder you will create a Document with the following nomenclature: YOURLASTNAME_YOURFIRSTNAME_Skill . I already created a Sample Document there to give you an outline of the format. To summarize: our next step will be to share some skill/interest/pursuit that we have had during our confinement — something that gives us joy or makes us feel interested in life and in bettering ourselves. We also discussed that part of this next step will be to do some research and learn more about this skill/interest.

At preset there is no length limit or minimum on this assignment. It is a work in progress. It is, however, required as part of your UNIT III grade. Due date: I expect EVERYONE to have started this document by Wednesday Apr 29.

We will discuss our work on Wednesday. Check back for a Zoom meeting link. Our next meeting will be April 29 at 1:00PM. 


Announcement from Prof. S. Meeting Scheduled. Please Read.

Hi Class. I have decided that in order for us all (myself included here) to get on track we need to connect in a real class time, so I am setting up a Zoom Meeting for Monday, April 27 at 1:00PM. I am making attendance mandatory to be sure that we all are on the same page.  Bring your coffee/tea/lunch and be prepared to write and share. Meeting Agenda and Link to Join below:

AGENDA for CLASS APR 27, 1:00PM-1:40PM on Zoom

Arrival. MUSIC; say “good afternoon” / announce your presence in Chat. Attendance Taken.

 Real-time writing Excercise(s). Be prepared to write in limited time frame (just like in class) to a prompt given by the Prof. (approximately 5-10 minutes)

Moment of Silence for those we have lost or those close to us whom we wish to honor.

Circle-Time reading and sharing what we wrote. (Students read)

Discussion. Brief Presentations by Professor of next steps to satisfy requirements for UNIT 3

Open Forum 

1:40PM  Goodbyes and planning of next meetup*

*Zoom only allows us to meet for 40 minutes and may cut us off. Apologies in advance if this happens.


S Schmerler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: S Schmerler’s Zoom Meeting 1101
Time: Apr 27, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 407 5048
Password: lunch



My Lovely Diary

Alondra Vences


Prof. Schmerler


Section 1 : Extended Diary Excerpt


Diary Entry 1

April 3rd, 2020- Gravesend, BK. New York.

1:21 a.m.

Dear Diary,

I’ve been going crazy at home. I’ve literally done nothing, I honestly have no energy. I really wish this never happened. I thought it would be fun to stay at home and do online school work. But it’s the worst! I went to bjs today with my mother and there were so many people there. Everyone’s lives are really changing and it’s crazy! My dad is working at the hospital and he’s completely scared. My brother has become a complete germaphobic. I just want to go out already!


Diary Entry 2

April 5th, 2020- Gravesend, BK. New York

6:50 p.m.

Dear Diary,

I’ve started to work again today. I guess I’m “essential” lol. I work at a Mexican restaurant and it’s been so busy! But I’m glad I got to finally leave the house. I was super bored at home. But I’m actually kinda scared of being outside. My parents don’t even want me going to work but I really don’t want to ask them for money. I passed by my grandma’s house earlier to drop something off for her since she can’t go outside, I obviously didn’t go inside her house. So I spoke to her through her window! I miss my family so much! I just want to hug my little cousins. But we all have to remain patient.


Diary Entry 3

April 8th, 2020- Gravesend, BK. New York

2:30 p.m.

Dear Diary,

I’m feeling lazy today but I have to go to work in a couple of hours. My dad is starting to get a little sick and my mom is super worried. He has a cough. I really hope it’s just a cough. He works in the emergency room which is where all the new corona patients arrive. Both my brother and dad have to take their temperature day and night. They also have to write it down. My mom makes sure we keep our house clean. She keeps a box full of alcohol wipes to clean our phones. My dad brings a lot of things from the hospital for us such as hand sanitizer and face masks. I’m really thankful for my dad. He really shouldn’t be working so much especially during this time. Every time we sit and eat at the kitchen counter he’ll tell me his stories about the patients there (btw he’s just a housekeeping worker). I can’t imagine what it’s been like in the hospital right now.


Diary Entry 4

April 9th, 2020- Gravesend, BK. New York

10:26 a.m.

I woke up so early today for the first time in forever. My sleeping schedule is so messed up. I ate breakfast with my parents and then I started my laundry. I hope today goes by fast because I’m tired of being bored. I should be doing school work but I seriously have no motivation. My sister has been leaving the house to see her boyfriend so I really don’t know what I’m going to do today! I’ve been in contact with both Yesenia and Tazz and we keep each other updated. It’s Thursday today and all I’ve been entertaining myself with is make up and tiktok. I’ve been obsessed with tiktok. I don’t understand why people don’t like it. It’s so addicting and I got so many views which got me hype

Important Update from Professor S. Assignment for UNIT II is due Sunday Apr 19

Hi Class. I’m writing to you after a bunch of technical problems I have had over the Spring Break. Thanks for your patience. My own computer crashed. And it also looks like the Assignment I posted before spring break didn’t get posted.

On to business. Only a handful of you attended our Zoom Planet meetings prior to Break, and only a handful of students did the diary reflection assignment which we discussed in Zoom (Diary of a Wimpy Kid/ Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl) and in the video I made for you on March 27. I know times are tough right now — for all of us. That said, let’s re-boot. I am giving UNIT II an updated NEW DUE DATE: April 19 in the hopes that we can get back on track.


Here are links to free PDF’s for Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl and Diary of a Wimpy Kid

And here is a short video in which I discuss the assignment:

And finally, I am available to discuss and help you on Zoom. You can reply in COMMENTS to this post and tell me if you are available at 12PM or 3:30PM on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of this week. I will create a Zoom meeting URL and invite you to join.

This Assignment is graded. Your grades will be posted in Private to OpenLab.

All my best,

-Prof. S.

Good Morning, April 6, from Prof. S…..

Image of the sun from Wikipedia.

Good Morning, Class. I am checking in with you to say that I am here for you today and tomorrow. Do you have questions on your assignments? Are you lost or lacking motivation? I will be at my “desk”** from 9:00 AM to 10:00AM checking my OpenLab and emails and also from 1:00PM to 2:00PM.

(Also, I will be setting up Zoom Office Hours for the semester going forward. I will write that in a separate post.)

**My “desk” is actually two pieces of plastic from Target stacked on top of each other.



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