Hi Class.

Here is how to complete UNIT III, which is due May 18.

  1. As you know from our last Zoom meeting: Instead of waiting for you to find your own affinities, I assigned you into pairs. There is now a sub-folder called PAIRS. You can look there and see who your new assigned partner is. There also is a sample document in this new folder. Please look at it and, as you know, copy it into your own PAIR document.

Once you have had fruitful discussion, and have populated your PAIR document, you are well on your way to completing UNIT III.

The final format document for submitting your work in UNIT III is below. You will upload your work to OpenLab with the post heading LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_UNIT 3. Please use that same naming system for creating your WORD document:


I will hold a Q+A session on Friday on Zoom for anyone who wants help, and will send you the link in a separate post.