Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry2_Ganesh

I have been home from school since the 11th of march, cant lie at first it was amazing, I worked more hours hung out with friends a little but things took a turn for the worse. on the 16th my boss closed our shop for a week so we can see how the virus is progressing. however we had to reopen within 3 days because we got a lot of cars. since I work in an auto body repair shop I’m in a closed up shop all day so I was starting to feel a little nervous since there is no constant air flow. luckily my boss is really understanding and cooperative, he got an air flow system for the entire shop. although we got the system for the shop all of us are still wearing gloves, face masks, and washing our hands and face frequently. not going to lie the corona virus is bad for the environment but I’m considering my self lucky because I’m not feeling sick at all and I can still make money while still attending classes. honestly while writing this I’m at work right now, I would add a picture but I haven’t figured out how to on mobile. hope everyone is safe.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Ha! I would totally love a picture, Ganesh. Do that when you figure it out. It is possible from the phone under ADD MEDIA I think…
    I am fascinated by cars. When I graduated from high school I took a summer class at an automotive school. Then, I left home. Sometimes, when I pass an auto repair shop and see all the cars and equipment and smell the smells I wonder if I didn’t take the wrong career path…
    I am glad your boss is doing something for the workers.
    Be well,
    -Prof. S.

  2. Yesenia Matute

    Yeah at fist I was like no school we litt but now i actually miss school I tired of being home my mother has me on lock down moat of the time but every time i go out side I come I go and wash my hand and face and when Im outside I try my best to not touch noting

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