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Diary entry 2 Tasanvir

I went to Trader Joe’s a few days ago and I saw these women fighting over toilet paper. It was an old women and a a young adult this is sad no respect for the elderly people I wonder how they are getting there groceries during this crisis.


  1. ganesh

    I experienced the same thing a few days ago, at my local grocery store people were fighting over toilet paper, and paper towels. I don’t got whats the fuss for stocking up on toilet paper, its not like the corona virus causes diarrhea. Don’t get me wrong I like to be prepared but I think people are overreacting a little bit

  2. Sarah Schmerler

    I am trying not to hoard. I am convinced that the supply chain will rebound. Am I crazy?
    Are those crazy people right to shop like there’s no tomorrow?
    Well, I do know that we need to respect each other even more during this time. What else have you observed?
    Be well, Tas!,
    -Prof. S.

  3. Deron

    I’ve encountered something similar in my local pharmacy. An elderly couple were looking for something specific and weren’t able to found their supplies due to other individuals overbuying. Luckily the last person to take them was still there and offered a good amount to the couple. I hope everyone remains level headed in these times.

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