Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Assignment #1

I’m feeling very nervous as we start this fall term online. I was freaking out 10 minutes before we had this class on Wednesday because Zoom wouldn’t load. The clock hit 9:58, and I still couldn’t log in. Zoom is the reason I get sweaty palms. One of my worries is getting to know my classmates. I’ve been a shy person my whole life, and having online classes doesn’t help. It’s already hard for me to have face to face conversations, and now we need to have them through a screen with the help of a camera. I also realized that it’s going to be hard to keep my camera on. I sat on Zoom from 10 am to 3 pm, and I had to turn it off halfway through because my back was in agony from sitting. I know it will take some time to get used to, but I’m excited to start this chapter of my life.

This is Princess, my lionhead rabbit. She keeps me occupied throughout the day, and I enjoy being home with her.



  1. Meharab

    Same here I am a really shy person but I guess we gotta work it out lol and omg! the rabbit is sooo cute!!!!. I love animals got four birds.

  2. lovelybinta

    I totally agree with you Daniela being a shy person and taking an online class doesn’t help you interact with people but we do have to find a way to be comfortable even though it’s hard being on camera and all but we can totally do it I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else.

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