Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler


The two I would describe how I feel about starting this school year in general would be Nervous and Overwhelmed. It is very nerve wrecking to start my freshman year through online instead of going in person. I’m not sure if I will be able to stay focus throughout most of the long meetings that we’ll have because I tend to drift off and especially since we’re not going in person it’s going to be way harder for me to interact with other people because I don’t really socialize that much. Also I don’t really know what to expect throughout my first year in college this all very new and fresh and I’m pretty sure many of us don’t also. This is overwhelming so far because transitioning from high school to College wasn’t very easy I had to do many things on my own, and I guess you can say that’s part of adulting. Also not knowing how the teachers are is very overwhelming because we have not met as of yet and don’t know how they are. The picture below below represents how my mind works when it comes to doing assignment and just meeting new people and teacher. I get very anxious and just start overthinking about every little thing. Hopefully as the months pass by and get to know everyone it’ll  will not be much of a problem.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I can relate, Maria. If overthinking was a sport, I would be a professional athlete. I think that I overthink really well, you know? I’m, like, even arrogant about my overthinking.
    I want to tell you don’t worry, but I can’t. I can say, however, that I really like your style and your attitude. Your wisdom about “adulting” is inspiring to me.

  2. Daniela Flores

    Hey Maria,
    I’m also not a social person, and college is the perfect place to meet new people and make lifelong friends. Now it’s challenging because making friends online is not the same.

    • Maria Cruz

      I totally agree as well Daniela, making friends through online just has a different and awkward vibe than when you’re in person.

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