
     Learning how to read was one of my first and most important accomplishments in life. It wasn’t something easy like a trip at the park, it was actually a bumpy road with up hills and down hills. It all started in pre school , pre school wasn’t the best. I was bullied and was not able to make any friends. Entering school I would cry every morning because I was so attached to my parents and I was simply not excited for school and for that reason I was struggling to read or learn anything in general due to the fact that I was uncomfortable in class. I was getting a bit rebellious due to the fact that others already knew how to read a few words from the work given to us by our teachers. I felt not so smart so I constantly repeated to myself “I’m never going to learn how to read. I don’t like it, reading is not for me”. I really didn’t want to touch or even open a book, I was even frustrated at home because all I had for school work Included reading directions whether it was for English class or math or social studies. My dad always told me he wasn’t going to read for me anymore and I was going to have to read my own things now to try to get me to read because he knew I depended on him too much. Once I got to the first grade the world was turning upside down , ever since my father was there sitting with me teaching me how to read, bought me my fiction kids books or alphabet books or even number books, I began to realize reading was not so bad after all. It was so much better in the first grade compared to how I began in pre-K. I also had a really nice teacher who I appreciated and am super thankful for, Mrs. Batista, that till this day I am still in touch with her and she has seen me grow. She really gave me that extra attention and wanted to see me succeed. She put a lot of time and effort into me and helped me so much , when I did begin to get better she rewarded me with completing little fiction books , gave me little diplomas such as “ Star of the month” , “most successful” , “achievement of goals”. I truthfully look up to Mrs. Batista for all the care, support, effort, and time she put in me and of course credit to my father for staying up at nights with me trying to motivate me and encourage me. Life is full of ups and downs but all the fails we go through life do not matter as long as we learn from it. In life I have learned to always look at everything with the glass half full, always be optimistic and life will favor you. Learning how to read was not easy but I am really happy and grateful for the people in my life that helped me get to where I am now. I was able to accomplish this and am ready to accomplish much more. Being able to read is such a blessing that not many people realize or take advantage of, it was one of my early and biggest accomplishments and without it I wouldn’t be able to continue on with my education.                        Â