Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Asignment #1

Trepidation. It’s not exactly the right word, but I feel like that’s the best word to describe my current emotions. Not quite anxious- that’s something I tend to feel on a regular basis- but not quite apprehensive either. Having a fear of the unknown is normal. Especially in these times, we’re all caught in the midst of the world seemingly falling into chaos and panic . We’re all waiting with bated breaths, steeling ourselves for what comes next. The problem is we’re not able to predict the future. That’s the unknown for us right now; just like how online learning is a new territory for many of us. We don’t exactly know how effective online learning will be compared to learning in a classroom. To me, it’s a new challenge I’ll have to learn to adapt to.

Whenever I’m stressed out and thinking too much about the future, I try to calm myself down by looking at this cute moment of my boyfriend and a cat we encountered at a cat cafe:

As cliche as this may sound, I have hope that we’ll be able to overcome the unknown together.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Great word and great description of your feelings!
    Damn, that photo works on me, too!

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