Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

FIRST ASSIGNMENT- A new experience

When the final decision was made that Fall semester will be online, I was simply perplexed like most of the students. I knew it will be stressful experience for a person like me, who is not into technology.

It is always exciting to interact with your teacher and classmates directly instead of looking at a screen. Direct interaction always help you observe the ideas and concepts in a better way. Likewise, going on a campus everyday and studying in a proper classroom environment helps you acquire the required discipline and positive energy. On the other hand, staying at home can be comfortable for some students but for me it will be distracting.

It is difficult to switch from our old school method of writing and learning to a new one. Even while writing this small passage I was unable to pour out my ideas through a keyboard. So I had to brainstorm on the piece of paper first and then transfer it into the computer.

Overall it will be an exciting and thrilling experience for all of us. We have to muster up courage and open ourselves to adopt to new unexpected changes  brought by this pandemic in our lives . Surely, we can cope with it with the help of our teachers.

The image I shared above was once shown to us by one of our teachers. She always encouraged interaction with classmates and teacher. She believed it boost up our energy and create a healthy environment in the class. We all will miss this energy during online learning.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    You use the word “courage” and I think you are so right to let us be aware that we are all brave to be doing something so new and uncertain. Great post. I will try my best to make this situation easier and more human. Please tell me more ways that I can help as we go forward.
    Yes, I agree, that writing with your hand and in a notebook is a unique method. It has heart. Do whatever way works for you! Maybe I will take a photo of my notebooks for you. : ) Maybe you do that, too? : )
    Stay Safe,
    -Prof. S.

    • Sana Shoaib

      Thank you Professor. No doubts we all have to be brave and determined. I would love to go through pictures of your notebooks.

  2. Burton Alcide

    I totally agree that I will be hard to adjust from the old school class room learning into the new online learning. I believe it will be very stressful at first but we’ll get the hang of it as time goes by.

    • Sana Shoaib

      Yes so rightly said! Not going to give up for sure

  3. Pauline Li

    I completely agree with you. It is a whole new transition from in person to virtual setting. I do believe that as time goes on, things will get better!

    • Sana Shoaib

      Yes, I hope so this transition is easy going for all of us.

  4. Ashley Pineda

    Hey Sana! I personally am better at learning directly in person as well rather than online learning. Switching from being in an classroom environment to having to learn everything on-screen at home sure was a stressful situation, till now I still am not 100% comfortable with the way I am learning but I’m hoping to be able to get used to this new way of education and I’m excited for it!

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