Communicating with Mind and Soul

Category: Unit 1 (Page 3 of 9)

Emoji Poetry – Daniel Wen

Love is repetitive like a film

It can be fun or it can go up and down like the sign of the Scorpio

Love is just like a whale wandering in the sea trying to find the one

But when you find the one everything balances out.

Money takes time just like you waiting for your ride

It comes in green and very sweet to have

But it can make a person just as greedy like a mouse wanting more cheese.

Some people chicken out of love while others treat love like a cat wanting love and care.

Love can be fun and interesting like Switzerland but love either ends or begins with a bang it’s up to you to see how you wanna start that spark.

Abeha Choudhry_LIPOGRAM 2

I notice that whenever I would like to leave a situation is when I am scared. A scenario that shows this is when I walk into class and find out there is a test I have to take that I didn’t revise for or remember. It is almost instinct for me to want to walk out, leave, fake an illness, move countries, but instead I am forced to take the test because the other alternatives would be too unethical. 

Another scenario is a recent one. I was on line for a roller coaster and it was time to board the ride. I am an immense wuss when it comes to roller coasters so once I was on the ride and all secured, all I wanted to do was run off of it. 

These scenarios are miniscule and dramaticized, but it still made me want to leave and run due to the fear I had.


Suman Kandel – LIPOGRAM 2 “Actions”


There are a handful of situations in which I feel confined. First one is the initial interaction with someone. I find this to be the most awkward; what makes it worse is that I can’t avoid it, it’s a must if I want to grow up even if it makes me leave the situation it can’t be how i want. The second one that bothers me is that I hesitate a lot, which makes the situation even worse than it has to be. This is something I dread about me, and I’m taking steps to address it by not procrastinating.


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