Communicating with Mind and Soul

Category: Uncategorized (Page 7 of 16)

Justin Lagos Lipogram2

There is a certain situation that I can not leave, a time where I feel constraint and unable to use the abilities I have. This virus has had all of us in a restriction to have our freedom. Of course we now have had some extension in our house constraints, but still a lot of us teens and adults have felt useless, unable to live life, and constrained to our houses, unable to leave and live a little. I’m a lot like these teens, I want to have the freedom. This situation we have been has been the cause of death, caused lose of want in a lot of children and teens, this has inflicted me, desire and wants have left, I felt so constraint, I want to leave and have the freedom that I’ve had, I’m at the best I can ever be and I’ve feel the most useless and wasted the most time that I ever had due to this virus. I want to take all the skills and abilities I’ve learned and use them at this time and excel and learn more, but instead I’m restricted to this virus. Unable to do much but still I reach for the closest form of best life I can have.

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