Communicating with Mind and Soul

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First assignment: Ramani Masinga

A wooden palette is the first thing that comes to mind when I imagine how online classes for college is going to play out. I am not apathetic, nor am I eager to start classes this semester. I am simply on the fence. When I put my mind to something however; I usually go all out. So I guess you could say I would have to be swayed into a commitment; which I am not against. I would say my summer mostly consisted of working, linking my friends, and staying inside. However, staying inside were the moments when I contemplated going back to school, and here I am. I could easily throw a picture of me chilling with my friends at central park but I’d much rather use a picture with more symbolism behind it.

By the way, I’m an artist.

life is change-Vanessa

Rapid maybe stalled change is inevitable. With that it presents itself in different ways. Behind my apartment building was a beautiful, tall Cunninghamia tree. Since I was a kid I’d sit in my kitchen and gawk at its beauty eating my breakfast. It put me in a trance. I grew up with the easement it gave me in my disrupted climate. Years and Years had passed as I watched that tree’s emerald green hue turn a dull grey. Branches that perched high had fallen in defeat. Spaces full with green and chestnut had turned empty revealing the building it guarded all that time. Then came the day I sat in my kitchen staring in disbelief watching it be sawn little by little till it perished. It may have just been a tree, but it was my tree. It never hit me till currently, but I never sat in my kitchen after that. The change wasn’t huge and yet I felt like a part of my life left with the tree. The tree watched me rise as I saw it fall.

(I’m not sure what type of tree it was specifically but the closest I saw was a conifer tree but that has an o in it so I picked the next best thing) Below is the 2 pictures I could find of the tree enjoy:)

MY Life have Change- Kevin Balbuena

It was the years 2020 March . I was in High with my friends and the teacher said to us that there were a first case of covid-19 in NYC and This will be your last class in building and we go to learn at home `.We take a as a game or not take it seriously Anyway were happy and excited because we think that all NYC schools is Finish. During at virtual Learning to me is was bed because I didn’t learn right and it to hard to learn and my apartment is to small and I have my sibling that is much to handle. There a lot of bad thing to talk about virtual Learning like that internet is failing and technical difficultly and privacy. But It take us safe from the virus-19. In November in Black Friday, me and my family went to the mall to get some deals. when we finish I was cvid-19 than I pass to my  family.  Thank God that My family is safe and healthy but I felt that I might die because that was a experience that I never felt ever in my life . sadly my friend and  aunt pass away   during this journey and but I know where there are and I need fight this Depression and get up  my life. My Expectation next year a great and better years than last years.

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