Communicating with Mind and Soul

Category: Intro (Page 1 of 2)

My Intro of me

Hi everyone, my name is Kevin Balbuena Montes, Nice to meet you all!!!!

I am from Staten Island and I came city tech to meet new people and make new friends. I hope this years is better than the other years because I lost few of my love one of the covid-19 . I hope you understand. Anyway I going to be the first family at age 17 member that is going to college and I feel proud about myself. I am little bit nervous because college is new to me and no one did not experience what  is college is like. My summer is great. I have a lot of fun hang out with friends like going to the mall and other crazy place.  Do you know I have a twin. yes it sounds crazy but yes I do. It my twin sister. she is important because I and her is alway together good and Bad. were together since we were born. we keep me claim and happy. I hope you like m y  story



Note: This was the good pic I have

First Assignment – Abeha Choudhry

I’m feeling very indifferent. This is because this is my first semester in college and I don’t know what to expect. I’ve been told by my friends that college is very different from high school, but since this year is online I think it will feel very similar to my senior year of high school. My senior year was also online, so if it does feel the same I am concerned I won’t enjoy my time in college because I don’t like online classes, but I guess time will tell how it will go.

My summer has been very relaxing. It’s been a mix of staying home and going out. The photo I included is when I went out to a pier in the city and caught the sunset.

My First post

Hello everyone, My name is Suman Kandel. I’m equally stressed and excited to begin my college journey. Summer flew by; it seems like only yesterday that I graduated from high school, but here we are. I’m not particularly talkative or engaging, but I’ll give it my all to be the best I can be. Doing something new in life causes me anxiety, as I’m sure it does for most people, but I try to remind myself that these are the moments that builds character. Finally, I’d like to wish you all a wonderful year and college experience and here’s a picture of a cat I saw on the internet and wish I had.


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