Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Wasim (Page 1 of 2)

WASIM LEWIS Emoji Poetry

Love is a movie that can get very silly

But to move on, you have to wave your surrender flag

Or go deeper in like a fish in water 

While balancing happiness 

Happiness comes from many things like 

Money, traveling, being with pears, or weird thing like a rat and duck

Happiness is shown a different way, like a smirk or smile.

Your imagination can also be a source of happiness

Like you’re on an island with a beautiful sunset 


In life, there will be stuff that makes one uncomfortable, or confined. Those situations will either make one nervous, or scared. With this in mind, certain situations will be hard to remain in and will make one want to leave because one can take or be in a certain amount of discomfort. With me, I will want to leave a situation where I feel left out or not included when  most is. Another situation where I would make me uncomfortable is if I’m with a friend and there with their man or women, and I’m there alone.

Wasim Lewis Change1

When I was a child versus me currently I can see a significant increase in my life. change is a large part in life and it is needed since pursuing certain aspects in life can be challenging.  besides, change is seen in everyday life. Me currently when I think at things I did when I was a child,it disturbs me which implements that I have changed.  This displays that a human shall never stay at the same place they were physically, mentally, and intellectually.


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