Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Vanessa (Page 1 of 2)

emoji poetry Vanessa

Green paper granting me freedom

looking out onto the tracks as the train speeds up

a realization of the life around me.

The stories they all have.

Even the pear dropped on the station;

waiting for the mice to end its story.


I’ve had this dream to vanish without a trace. Start from scratch and relish in a new life. There’s a freedom I ache for to encounter a life different from the one I have. I read once that in order to flourish it can’t be in the same environment where someone is molded and known to be a certain form. That’s stuck with me ever since. It could be the artist in me. Either or i’d love to leave and see what the world holds for me.


life is change-Vanessa

Rapid maybe stalled change is inevitable. With that it presents itself in different ways. Behind my apartment building was a beautiful, tall Cunninghamia tree. Since I was a kid I’d sit in my kitchen and gawk at its beauty eating my breakfast. It put me in a trance. I grew up with the easement it gave me in my disrupted climate. Years and Years had passed as I watched that tree’s emerald green hue turn a dull grey. Branches that perched high had fallen in defeat. Spaces full with green and chestnut had turned empty revealing the building it guarded all that time. Then came the day I sat in my kitchen staring in disbelief watching it be sawn little by little till it perished. It may have just been a tree, but it was my tree. It never hit me till currently, but I never sat in my kitchen after that. The change wasn’t huge and yet I felt like a part of my life left with the tree. The tree watched me rise as I saw it fall.

(I’m not sure what type of tree it was specifically but the closest I saw was a conifer tree but that has an o in it so I picked the next best thing) Below is the 2 pictures I could find of the tree enjoy:)

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