Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Benjamin (Page 1 of 2)

READINGMURRAY_Benjamin Rabanal

“Most writers accept rewriting as a condition of their craft it comes with a territory. It’s not, however, seen as a burden but as an opportunity by many writers.”

Rewriting is exactly that because it can be used as a second chance for writing if whatever is being written doesn’t sound right or could be better. It stands out because of how well it was put together in one sentence.


“And yet rewriting is one of the writing skills least researched, least examined, least understood and -usually least taught. The vast majority of students, even those who take writing courses, get away with first-draft copy.”

This also stands out because rewriting is also treated almost like an ignored option.  Everyone knows that is an option to make when it comes to writing, we all just purposely ignore it and don’t acknowledge rather because it is obvious or it’s just annoying. Rewriting for the most part happens to occur during the first draft.


“Discovery, however, can be a frightening process. The terror of the empty page is real because you simply do not know what you are going to say before you see it or if indeed you will have anything to say.”

Discovery is a frightening process in a weird way because you would not know what to expect and it is mostly a blank slate. This is exaggerated perfectly and is true in a way how discovery is when it comes to writing. A really good idea or thought should be present to make your writing great.


1: The ideas of internal and external revision are very similar a require thinking more and processing better of what is in front of you. Meanwhile Internal focuses more on the main context of what is going on, external is more outside the box and gives different ideas from different sources.

4: Revision is small punishment to yourself and fixing your errors for the better to improve your writing. Murray is saying in a unique way that revision is an opportunity for discovery because it is helping yourself rediscover and fix your writing especially when it comes to a specific context.





READING LAMOTT_Benjamin Rabanal

“Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts.”

This stands out because of how true it is; trial and error weirdly enough is the key to writing and perfecting any assignment. Everyone is bound to make a writing error even if it is a first-time writer, that is the way writers grow and evolve.

“The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later. You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions come through and onto the page.”

That is what happens the very first time you write you become a writer and you are clueless about what is expected. Your thoughts while writing for the first time have no restriction and later on, you will discover what is needed while writing anything.

“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something — anything — down on paper.”

This also stands out because of how true it is when writing for the first time you will experience errors but as time goes by you will experience and grow into writers that can think. And the more we think and experience as writers the better we are and grow as writers.

1:The fantasy of the uninitiated means before writers write the first draft they usually brainstorm all of their ideas and then put them into action when putting it onto the draft.

2: More or less because when it comes to a writing limit most of the time the goal could be more than the limit or less the limit. I do not think that her wariness is personal because there is plenty to worry about when it comes to a writing limit and this is something most experienced with.

3: When it comes to a first draft it is more of a process because it is the thought put into action and although they are not perfect it is more of an idea than a product. The real product in this context is the final and that is where everything can be judged at its full potential. The process is just what I see in my eyes but the product can also make sense in a way. Processing the first draft is mostly how the final product is made and built out of. The writing process comes into a form from thoughts and ideas, those thoughts and ideas are then executed into paper and that is what eventually spawns the first draft. That first draft is not perfect and there is most likely an error or errors of some kind that need to be fixed. When I write I try to cram everything I can think of in one package and although that is a good thing, there is always a chance of that being too much, too little, or not necessary at all. That is writing is, well in my eyes for the most part; it is always important to make the first draft to give the first impression and after that draft another draft, it is all about progression, trial, and error.

[Benjamin Rabanal]_LIPOGRAM 2


This is not an error, this is the existence of fear and how I feel restricted from it. As basic as this one word is it can mean a lot more because fear can come in various amounts of forms which makes it far from normal. Fear can hold someone back and comes into action when someone has an idea that wants to be taken back. The idea is thrown around someone’s mind when that someone is scared of that dark room, or that tall rollercoaster. This idea can even have a more extensive definition such as the fear of loss, or a fear of failure. There are various substances or ideas that come to the mind that we are scared of from time to time, but all of this is ok because most of our fears can be tamed.


(made errors with that last one sorry)

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