Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Enmanuel Ortiz (Page 1 of 2)

Enmanuel – Emoji Poetry

A lover’s heart is like a film; that in occasions can be silly.

Not a sing neither a flag, and it can be as heavy as a WHALE

But is just the right weight for you to balance.

A lover with money might want to take its partner to a trip around the world;

To a fancy restaurant to drink pear juice made by “ratatouille”.

But when it comes to love;

A lover’s gift can be as tiny as a baby chick,

And it will guaranty a confident and valuable SMILE.

That’s the value of love,

You don’t see it as certain flags you can look at, but as a start that shines around millions.

[Enmanuel Ortiz]-Lipogram 2

Life Experience

Constant work without income; Not even a dollar in return. Continual critics rather than show love. Hard to believe when I don’t notice the reasons to scorn at me. We have the same blood, but it is like there is not kindness at me; it makes me feel like I am The black sheep“. Each action tend to become harder and harder; No matter if I was tier, I have to do it. The time to work is random, and it interferes with what is essential. I feel stuck inside a box that restrict me from what I want to do without benefits at all. It is not about to be beneficial from the work that I’ve done;  but to consider me as someone with its own needs. Assist me and advice me if I ever need to; I will show the interest as well. Hard for others to believe when realize how actual life is.

-Enmanuel Ortiz

Enmanuel -“Life is change during certain age”

Since such age, we experience changes in life that restrict us typical behave. . .

Just when I was a child, I never deducted my life as a man was expected difficult and challenging. Day by day there’s a new task that requires sacrifices in the regular day that precludes spare time. Excluding when I was being raised my free time (seeing it with my current view) felt near. . . Maybe equally, but eternal.

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