Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Alveann James

Alveann’s Lipogram 2

What makes me feel confined is the present state we are in right now. Ā Not being able to see my family makes me confined. I grew up in the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago and lived there for twelve years and every year or two I go back to spend time with my family. Ā At the moment I’m incapable of doing so as a result of covid. Ā Encountering covid have really been tenacious Ā for me. Ā I can’t experience going out and talking to people with out the fear of contracting covid same as doing activities without wearing your mask. I wish I could leave this situation to enjoy life at its fullest and feel comfortable around my famliy but this is somthing that I need to get use to.

The emoji poetry

Love can make you do crazy things

It can have you going up and down flowing like a flag or have your thoughts heavy as a whale

In order for it to work it takes balance

Sometimes it has you seeking money to impress or taking trains will be enough

Healthy love is green like pears

Some are built on aggression like a behavior of a threaten rat

Most may chicken outĀ others may act smart

The best way is to be happy

Let your personality flow like flag and explode