Communicating with Mind and Soul

Author: Abeha (Page 2 of 2)

Abeha Choudhry_LIPOGRAM 2

I notice that whenever I would like to leave a situation is when I am scared. A scenario that shows this is when I walk into class and find out there is a test I have to take that I didn’t revise for or remember. It is almost instinct for me to want to walk out, leave, fake an illness, move countries, but instead I am forced to take the test because the other alternatives would be too unethical. 

Another scenario is a recent one. I was on line for a roller coaster and it was time to board the ride. I am an immense wuss when it comes to roller coasters so once I was on the ride and all secured, all I wanted to do was run off of it. 

These scenarios are miniscule and dramaticized, but it still made me want to leave and run due to the fear I had.


First Assignment – Abeha Choudhry

I’m feeling very indifferent. This is because this is my first semester in college and I don’t know what to expect. I’ve been told by my friends that college is very different from high school, but since this year is online I think it will feel very similar to my senior year of high school. My senior year was also online, so if it does feel the same I am concerned I won’t enjoy my time in college because I don’t like online classes, but I guess time will tell how it will go.

My summer has been very relaxing. It’s been a mix of staying home and going out. The photo I included is when I went out to a pier in the city and caught the sunset.

Abeha Choudhry CHANGE 1, The Beauty Change Can Bring

Change is very apparent during life and can be seen in simple everyday things. Things like eating at a new restaurant. Maybe buying a new perfume that smells like a freshly baked banana nut muffin. These might be seen as insignificant and miniscule changes, but they still leave an impact. Changes can be significant as well. This can be changing careers and declaring bankruptcy. Changes can disrupt life’s path entirely, but that’s the beauty that change can bring.


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