Life isnā€™t just relatedĀ withĀ anĀ individual’sĀ past, present, future.Ā Ā 

ItĀ isn’tĀ living.Ā Ā 


When IĀ thinkĀ life… I Imagine breathing.Ā Ā 


Like a new life.Ā 


And change is always new.Ā 


WeĀ aren’tĀ allĀ babies,Ā but I relate life with pure.Ā Ā 


When We experience change, we act like a kid. This relates with new lifeĀ because a kid is the new freshĀ slate.Ā Ā 

Just like in the writing Gadsby, the writer claims that children can think naturally.Ā It argues that children understand and participate in activities thatĀ use thinking and judgment just like adults.Ā Ā 

We can think, act and judge like adults (because we are) but we will be like children when it arrives via change.Ā