Researching the Truth Hiding in Plain Sight

Author: w. derece cutler

life is change.

Life adaptation is essential. Every living thing that walks this earth adapted at a time in their life. The start if we’re being technical. Adapting was a subject humans weren’t very cultivated in, each had their ways . Life is many things and it can be defined as several things. As that happens, life is always changing and then a new age is presented. The new age then learns adapting.

Fundamentally, adapting isn’t easy because there’s always change. This is why I state that life is change. Every single day things are changing, whether it’s the small simple things we barely see and whether it’s the big things that make the media we always hear. It’s change. Explaining the “change” will just make everything shift in change again.
Maneuvering in life isn’t very hard it’s just us trying and living directly inside change that’s hard then there’s living past that feeling. That’s what we call adapting. It’s all because we must learn and be familiar with whatever the new “change” is.
There’s different manners in which this new “change” is taken. There’s humans that can’t deal with it at all and there’s humans that can deal with it regardless.

I am having the worst day ever…

So far, this day hasn’t been the best. When I woke up this morning I really was thinking “Is school really worth it?” I had a long night yesterday and wasn’t in the mood to get up early at all.

My day ended very late last night and even after dropping my friends off at their college in Westbury yesterday morning with other people, I had to circle back to Brooklyn to run more errands and try to include regular Labor Day celebrations.

Long story short, I woke up tired from yesterday’s activities.