Number 5 Train to Brooklyn College Flatbush Ave. Friday. It is hot and sunny outside and the train is crowded today. I ride this train daily to get to school. It is a normal, sort of average day. I am tired and a little sleepy.

I hear dingdong sound of the train moving. “Please avoid the closing doors.” Lots of indistinct muttering of people on the train.

Dung dung, dung dung, dung dung…. The train makes sounds in a rhythm.

Again: “Stand clear of the closing doors.” People continue to talk. I also see people tired, sleeping and others just staring out in to space.

Dung dung, dung dung, dung dung….



M3 Bus. Wednesday. 10:00AM. The bus is crowded. It is a sunny day.

“Back door!”

[muffled sounds of the bus] brrrr brrrrd brrrrd

“Please exit through the rear door.”

Chatter. The indistinct sound of many things that people are saying.

Thump thump. Click clack. There is also the sound of loud music coming out of someone’s headphones in the back. I think it is Country Road. “Almost heaven, West Virginia…”

Loud sounds of air conditioning.

beep of the bus’ stop request. Klnk. Dull thud sound of dropping of a phone


A man drinking a whole gallon of Minute Made. Driver saying, “Next stop.”

[Thumping sound of the bus ramp being lowered for a wheelchair passenger to board.]



A Train. Tuesday. It is a rainy day. The train is fairly empty.

A middle-aged woman, dressed pretty normally, is asking for money. As she walks around the train car, she hands out little flash cards that read, “I have a baby….” And “Please return.” After she solicits us, she goes around and takes back all the cards. “Thank you so much—have a good day,” she says rather mechanically. You get the sense that she has done this many times before.


“Say what?!”

“Jesus Christ is coming back!”



An old man with grey hair in a blue sweater is talking to a young man in a hoodie.

Old Man: What are you doing tonight with your son?

Man in Hoodie: I don’t know yet. We might see 11/9, that new film. In it, Michael Moore, the director, says, “Climate change is not a hoax.” Literally. I agree with him.


“Hellooooooo?!,” A baby shouts to no one in particular.

320 is a little over budget
