Researching with the CityTech Library

The Library’s Tutorials (videos on YouTube) (a general introduction to using the Library)

And, most importantly, a hub of direct links to relevant databases and Encyclopedias and more:

Link to the Library English Research Guides for 1121

Making Citations

Examples of Citations, basic

Example of a Works Cited page with some unusual sources

MLA-Formatting Guide from CityTech The Writing Center

Format of any MLA Paper

Format of any MLA-style paper help

Pitfalls and how to navigate research outside the Library (Gooooogle)

NTTR (No Time to Research) Integrity Guide by Prof. Schmerler

and by the way, your Prof really loves Wikipedia! Learn more here.

The Writing Center–all kinds of writing help, including general composition and getting un-stuck–so make an appointment!

The Writing Center’s Many Resource Links

Make an appointment with The Writing Center

Short explanation of Lateral Reading:

MediaWise Instagram post

The Composition Skills Website — a compendium of resources in one place, created by the English Department:

OpenLab Composition Skills