Reading, Questioning, Re-Telling -- on the path to Truth

No in-person class tomorrow; attendance credit

Hi Class,

It has been a pleasure having you all as students. I will miss our “Mornings” as well as a lot of other activities in class that allowed me to hear your words and learn about you.

We have no “final exam” in this class, and I am not going to make you come in to school Monday (tomorrow). I do, however, have to enter some sort of attendance record for the day, so, if you want to get credit for attendance for Monday, Dec 18, just “comment” on this post, and briefly answer the following question: What is a favorite memory you have of our class this last semester? I will answer my own question, to give you an example. One of my favorite things about this last semester with you was hearing you read aloud and memorize the words of one of my heroes: Helen Keller. I really enjoyed sharing her observations with you.

Pro-Tip for “commenting in OpenLab”: just click on the “# COMMENTS” area next to my name, below the title of this post.

You have to be logged in to OpenLab to comment. If you have any trouble, then just email me your short response.

Wishing you all the best this holiday season.

Photo of Miss Helen Keller

“An illustration of Helen Keller’s letter to John Finley about her visit to the Empire State Building, showing her perspective and imagination of the city and the sky, without Helen Keller herself, in color, and with a modern style.” prompt. Microsoft Bing Image Creator, Image Creator from Microsoft Designer, 26 Nov. 2023,


  1. Manal Eusha

    My favorite memory of this class was talking about the one time I saw a big green grasshopper-looking bug on a man’s head cap on the subway in the morning, on my way to college. I loved how we all were collectively laughing about it, and it was something that my professor, professor Schmerler always remembered and made jokes about.

    • Sarah Schmerler

      Thanks, Manal. I loved that, too! And that image still stays with me. You really helped to make “mornings” successful, overall, with your writings and comments!

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