Category: Announcements (Page 7 of 10)

Your recipe assignment and other stuff is live. Please read.

Hi Class.  If you attended class you now know that you are going to be writing a Recipe about one Skill that you have. During class, we analyzed recipes — who writes them, what they consist of (Ingredients or Materials, Instructions/Directions/Actions, Servings, Time, etc. etc.)

This is a very creative assignment. It does not have a length minimum or limit at present. Please complete it and post it to OpenLab as YOURNAME_Recipe 1 by Tuesday, Sept. 29. To post it, use the Category UNIT 2 Be prepared to read it in class on Monday Sept. 28.

Also, you have one more thing to do, and you must do it sooner rather than later. You must visit our new PLAGIARISM POLICY page on this website. You must watch this short video, link here. Plagiarism will earn you an immediate F, no ifs and or buts. And if you don’t understand plagiarism, NOW is the time to read up on it!


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