Category: Announcements (Page 6 of 10)

Your Week 8 Assignments are Live

Hi Class. Please don’t worry too much about your research for the annotated bibliography. Just Do It (like Nike says) and push yourself to do it as best as you can. And have questions for our Librarian on Monday so that she can best help you.

I have two assignments for you this week. I hope that they will be both enjoyable and very helpful. You can find them in your WEEK 8 TO DO FOLDER now.

Stay Safe.


WEEK 7 Homework Assignments and Materials are Live

Hi Class. Good workshop today. In discussion in today’s workshop, we looked at how to make the Major UNIT 2 Annotated Bibliography Assignment more manageable. As a result, I am dropping some materials for you now as well as your next Assignment. Please weigh in next class and tell me if or how they are helpful to you as you step into UNIT 2.

The Assignment has a due date. It will totally help you begin this assignment, so do it soon! It is in your WEEK 7 Folder here.

The Materials are there for you to consult. One shows the Process of the work you will go through to make your ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY; the other is an outline of the basic Structure of the ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. They are also in your WEEK 7 Folder here.

We decided in the workshop that the class as a whole might benefit from these materials.

See you Thursday for our regular Zoom Class.

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