Author: Jaden (Page 3 of 5)


Topic- What is the difference between Criminal and Civil law? 

Know- What I know about Criminal Court is mainly for a law that was broken or a crime was committed. Civil Law, it has to do with a wrong done to a person. Also in Civil Court, you can sue for something called damages which is money. In Criminal Court you can not. 

Want– A couple of things I would like to know more about is can a lawyer represent a client in a criminal matter as well as in a Civil? Another thing I would like to know is who makes more money? The Criminal attorney or the Civil. Are the years in school the same? Who is in court more? Who is doing more paperwork? 

Learned– Something I learned was how a lawyer can not represent a client in a Criminal case And a Civil case, some may argue that is a conflict of interest. Another thing that I learned doing my mini research was how Civil attorneys make more money than Criminal attorneys. They both go for the same amount of years in school however, they do take different tests depending on the law they will specialize in practicing. The Civil attorney does more of the paperwork the Criminal attorney is more hands-on. They gathering evidence and witnesses to help his case to get his/her client out of jail.

Still want to know–  Something I still want to know is what makes a Criminal attorney so well known the Same goes for a Civil attorney?   

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