Author: Cristen Bobb (Page 4 of 5)

Cristen Bobb_DRAFT1_UNIT 1

ADHD TroublesĀ 

I don’t remember vividly how i learned to write, but what I do remember is learning the basics in elementary school and Kindergarten but where i really started reading in depth and reading to understand information was in middle school.Being a super energetic kid and having ADHD didnā€™t help me in middle school I transferred schools at least 2 times switching from public to charter school until I got to Excellence Boys middle school where I found teachers like Ms.Giles and Ms.Leblanc who got me interested in Reading and writing. Surprisingly most of the learning I did was not in the classroom but in detention and my lunch periods, because charter school was so strict i ended up getting sent out of class a lot and put in detention and in order to make up for class time instead of a regular detention where we would just sit in silence Ms.Giles took this time to personally tutor me in english. At first it was like any other class that I didn’t like but as the weeks went by Ms.Giles got to know me and the things I was interested in like soccer and drumming as tools to help me get interested in learning about what she was teaching in the classroom, as the years continued writing and reading became more interesting every time i read and started being able to difficult content that the younger classes were having trouble with and I was able to get ahead of the class while also using the detention times to catch up on my work while Ms.Giles challenged me with more and more complicated work and readings to pass the time. After this step I started to get interested in reading on my own outside of the classroom and outside of what the teacher assigned for us. This is where my other english teacher came into play Ms.Leblanc even though she wasn’t my exact teacher she helped sparked my interest in reading to another level, in that school Ms.Leblanc was better known as the librarian that everybody loved in the school and after my separate torturing sessions with Ms.Giles I wanted to read on my own so I ventured down to the library, this would be the first time I was entering the library in my school and I was instantly surprised my the amount of books and novels that were down there. Ms.Leblanc was the one who suggested a book that hooked me on reading or at least on that genre, the book was Percy Jackson the lighting thief and this book sparked my love for greek mythology and my love for all the books made by the author Rick Riordan and late nights staying up head deep in books immersed in the many adventures that reading those books took me on, Both of these experiences are what drove me to actually have a an interest in writing and reading and i’m happy I was able to experience it and learn to become a better writerĀ 

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