Monthly Archives: March 2016

Brooklyn Bridge-Lover’s Padlocks, 2016, Jasmine Torres

  Living in New York we can easily justify our city’s classification as the “melting pot” of societies.  Our diversity has not only provided the presence of multiple cultures but also the knowledge and traditions that come with practicing each. … Continue reading

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Backyard Photo #2

This photo is a similar photo to the other black and white photo, except taken a few months ago during summer. The sky is the most prominent aspect of the photo, as is the saturated colors and dark greens of … Continue reading

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Backyard Photo #1

    I took this photo from my backyard around 3 days ago at 3pm. I meant the photo to look very dreary and dark, almost like an old 1970s era NYC photo, so I set the filter on black … Continue reading

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New York Winter Lights

I’m kind of person who likes photos and takes too much memories. Since I came to New York I found that this city is one of the most beautiful cities that worth to take pictures. I can take like 10 … Continue reading

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Peace of Snow

I took this picture while I was waiting for the 7 train at Woodside 61st Street. While I was waiting I noticed this scenery. It may look gloomy and/or sad to most. But for me I find it quite peaceful … Continue reading

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Beauty and Peace 2016

Beauty and Peace I captured this photo on march 5, 2016 at my house in upstate New York. It was beautiful outside, so I decided to ride my ATV and thought to myself, “What a beautiful day.” I stopped to take a picture of what I … Continue reading

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Sean’s how-to

Here is where I will type my one-paragraph description.  

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Art, Photography, Studium, Punctum

Hi Class,   In reference to our discussion on Tuesday: Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts – artworks, expressing the author’s imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their … Continue reading

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