
This photo was taken during the summer when Ā traveled to the Dominican Republic with my family we were passing by a very poor neighborhood and i felt the need to snap this photograph to document my time here i was jus shocked to see how others in the states complain about first world problems while people are suffering with harsh living conditions like these. This open my eyes to the possibility of living life like this and i completely understand and feel very satisfied with what we have to work with. This photo goes into deep detail shoeing this abandoned red car with the tires stolen and trash bags out on the streets while these buildings in the back are half broken down and in very bad condition. This photo is more of a documentary photo it shows how others live and maintain a family in these harsh conditions.

By, Brandon Delacruz



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This picture was taken on Sunday October 11,2015 at Nieves Tia Mimi located on fifth avenue and forty-seven street. This Mexican icy is called chamoyada. That has Mexican candy and can come with different flavors of icy. That day my brother and I went bike riding around Brooklyn and we decided to stop by to get this chamoyada that is becoming very popular in Sunset Park. However this was my first time I had tried this and decided to take pictures for snap-chat but didnā€™t like how the images were coming out so I used my regular camera and focused on my icy blurred out my brother and his chamoyada and just wanted to focus on one thing. At the end it was worth paying the price.

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I took this picture in summer, I was on the roof when I saw the building across the street. This was interesting to me because of the building creating a mirror, this happen since it was a sunny day and there was another building in front of it. The shape of the buildings are important because if both buildings had bigger width it would not come out good. I think the building being reflected was taller than the other one but in this reflection it looks opposite and other thing about this buildings are that, these two are almost the highest building around the block.



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NYC Transit

NYC Trans

This photo happened to be taken by me, this past weekend while I was with some friends. My friends and I had just met up, when I realized all the people that were next to us also waiting for the same train. I starting thinking about just how many people depend on this service, and how important it is to some people’s Ā lives. Without this train some people wouldn’t be able to go to work. I also happen to have this situation, if the R train isn’t making it’s stop to Jay St., neither am I. Haha just kidding, I would take the F. But this just show how without it, I wouldn’t be able to get to school. So I feel that the “MTA” should think twice before raising the price of the fare, and consider all the people that take their service.
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LES Housing



This photo was taken by me near the Williamsburg bridge. This is the 8th floor staircase of 75 Baruch in the Baruch housing projects. I took a picture of the stairs because the elevator in these buildings are terrible. You cannot tell from the picture but the entire staircase reeks of urine and there are multiple cases of cigarillos. The buzzer to these buildings never work and I don’t think the government has any intention of bring someone to fix that problem. This area of Manhattan is so funny because you have the filthy rich a few blocks from the underclass. People who pay thousands in rent living alongside people who pay $890 a month

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Mind Craft

IMG_3758Ā I took this picture onĀ October 14th, 2015. The most important part of me taking this is picture is that I didn’t plan to take it. I was in the car with my parents and out of no where saw a building that caught my attention. I took my iPhone 6 out and took this picture from my car. The patterns on the building attracted my eye and reminded of me of a game calledĀ Mind Craft.Ā This picture was taking in Manhattan, NY by the Manhattan bridge.

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Graffiti At It’s Finest


This picture was taken at the Williamsburg Bridge Close by Manhattan. The Bridge connects from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I walk this bridge more than any other bridge because it has some interesting things. On the floor, you see art work. Every time I walk this bridge, there has to be different other unique art work. It’s amusing to me because some of them are funny and some makes me think about what was the artist purpose. If you ever walk this bridge, you may never notice graffiti on top of the ledges of the bridge. Again, this makes me think how the artist got up there and why did they do it. I think these artist are brave and show offs but they made this bridge really cool.

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Sports On Top Of The River


This is Pier 40 in Lower West side Manhattan. I took this picture in Columbus Day. This picture doesn’t really say much but I like it because it’s one of my favorite places to go play soccer and meet new friends. This past summer, Pier 40 was pack with many famous soccer teams and had many people come and visit to get autographs. What’s amazing is that fact that it’s constructed over the river. Having a strong wind current blown to you while working out a sweat feels amazing. Pier 40 doesn’t only allow soccer but other sports. For example, Football, Lacrosse, Baseball, and Rugby.

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Photo of Love



This photo was taken a few months ago. Also, this photo was taken in New York City, I don’t remember where the exact location. I took this photo because I remember this Love sign in Philadelphia. This love sign originated from Philadelphia. Ā I cropped the photo so all the attention stays at the word of love. Also, I added a filter called “chrome” so the color of love can pop out more. This photo mean so much for me because it reminds me how much love I receive from my family. Not all people have the same love of their family. This word love holds so many different meanings. It depends how people interpret it.

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Journal 5: Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Cranford Rose Garden Entrance


Cranford Rose Garden Entrance, Brooklyn Botanical Garden

May 17, 2015.

This picture shows the entrance to the Cranford Rose Garden within the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. It is a building constructed with the architecture of a wooden shed. There is one child in the picture who was was continuously running up and down the steps to the entrance. I had never been to the Botanical Gardens before and couldn’t help admiring the beauty of this particular building. I had the opportunity to explore such a site because of the pressure of my teacher and the fear of not being able to graduate high school. I had to visit 5 such landmarks and write a report based on my observations. The report had to be titled “Keys to the City”. It was a very hot day, and we were tired from walking. This shed gave an indescribable comfort of shelter to us. Ever since, this entrance, as well as 4 other locations have been embedded into my heart as the “Keys” to our beloved city, “New York.”




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