English 1101 (D427) Comp 1, fall 2017

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Final Exam Info

Hi Class,

Our final exam is in N 517 on the 19th. Students have the full period to finish the exam (one hour and 15 minutes). There is no lab.

• I will bring the dictionary.

• Pens or pencils are fine;  please write as neatly as possible.

• Please no food or drink or phones.

• Arrive five minutes early.

Rest well, and I’ll see you Tuesday!


Prof. Scanlan

Essay 3 Due at Beginning of Class on Thursday

Hi Class,

Essay 3 is due at the beginning of class on Thursday. Make sure to print out both the Annotated Bibliography and the Essay.

In a paper folder, include:

  1. Final Draft of Essay 3 and Annotated Bibliography
  2. All prior drafts
  3. All peer reviews (3)
  4. Photocopies/printouts of quotation sources

Please proofread your work with care, and please do not allow technology to be an excuse.

No late essays will be accepted.


-Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Tuesday, December 5

Hi Class,


1. Question: Which word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

Answer: Short

2. A teacher pointed to Jim and asked “quick, Jim, name two pronouns.”

Jim answered “who, me?”

3. Question: What should you say in order to comfort a ruffled grammar fanatic?

Answer: “There, their, they’re.”

4. Question:  what’s the difference between a cat and a comma?

Answer: One has claws at the end of its paws. The other has a pause at the end of a clause.


For Tuesday, bring in a draft of Essay 3–at least one page. Make sure to spend considerable time crafting the introduction, thesis, and method. Make sure the thesis is an argument.

Also, prepare for Quiz 3, which will cover: citation unscrambling; If-then sentences, and Russell Shorto’s “Henry Hudson” article on page 232.

Lastly, here is the peer review sheet for the Annotated Bibliography:




Prof. Scanlan

Homework for Thursday, Nov 30

Homework Due Thursday: The Freewrite Portfolio

* Step one: read through your notebook and select three freewrites that you like.

* Step two: Make a copy of these three freewrites (retype or photocopy)

* Step three: write a 300-word reflection on these three freewrites and how freewriting can help you in the future. You can also write about how you might change the ways that you use freewriting.

* Turn in the freewrite copies and the 300 word reflection on Thursday.


ALSO: Bring in a complete draft of the annotated bibliography for peer review.

-Prof. Scanlan

Conducting a Personal Interview

Below, I’ve included information below pertaining to recording your own interview.

Obtaining information by direct questions is a form of primary source material, so you may want to conduct a short interview with a person connected to your topic/site. You may conduct the interview in person, by email, or by phone.

Conducting an Interview:

1. Determine your purpose, and be sure it relates to your research question and perhaps even your hypothesis.

2. Set up the interview well in advance. Introduce yourself cordially and professionally. State who you are and why you want to conduct an interview.  Specify how long it will take, and if you wish to record the session–always ask permission to record or photograph.

3. Prepare a written list of factual and open-ended questions. Brainstorming or freewriting can help you come up with questions. Leave plenty of space for notes after each question. If the interview proceeds in a new or different direction, don’t panic, let the person speak. Do not feel that you have to be prepared for every question or response.

4. Record the subject, date, time, and place of the interview.

5. Thank the person that you interview (in person or by email). Be professional in all interactions.

6. Very important: right after the interview, sit down and rewrite your notes and reflect on the interview. If you do not do this now, you will forget vital information. Do this while it is fresh.



Homework for November 28

Hi Class,

Have a great break. Here is the homework due Tuesday, November 28:

  1. Read the student example on OpenLab. First read the Annotated Bibliography, then read the essay. The essay will make more sense (especially in terms  of sources and quotations) if you read the Annotated Bibliography first.
  2. Due: Journal 7: Topic Summary and five research questions (about 300 words total); These questions are RESEARCH questions and thus, they are part of Step 3 on the process handout.
  3. Due: Five citations and annotations. Typed and proofed. Make this document look as much like the student example as possible, but of course, students must use MLA 8, not 7.

See you in ten days!

Prof. Scanlan

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