Field Trip in the Works and Daily Goth

Hi Class,

I put in paperwork for a field trip to St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church on Montague Street for next Thursday. I could not make the Gravesend Haunted Hotel work for us. But you could go on your own if you want.

By Tuesday I will know if the trip is approved (I think it will).

In the meantime, four things:

  1. Check out the videos on Gothic music and dance on the Daily Goth
  2. Read the handout on Queer Theory under “Readings”
  3. I’ve posted more information on Gothic Architecture under “Readings”
  4. Think about and take some photos of Gothic spaces/places.



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2 Responses to Field Trip in the Works and Daily Goth

  1. Ismail Akram says:

    Professor, what should I focus on for the quiz? Or do we have one?

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