Superman Photo

Six Flags, Jackson, NJ. Jonathan Muñoz

Six Flags, Jackson, NJ. Jonathan Muñoz

My older sister, Maria’s boyfriend, Jonathan took this picture in June 11 of 2011. Me, my sister, three of her coworkers and boyfriend went to Six Flags in Jackson, New Jersey. He did not get on the Superman roller coaster with us which is why he shot this picture from up above. It was a really sunny day and the weather was unbearable. I like this picture because it shows how all of us are feeling on this crazy ride and it shows happiness, excitement, and fear at the same time throughout the whole picture. It is a very bright photo with bright red and yellow colors.

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Class picture!




Here is the greatest class in the world!


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Dominant impression

I took this picture on July 2013 and this is a place in Albania called “commander’s beach. This place is called commanders beach because an Albanian famous commender used to go to this beach and swim alone, he never let anybody to swim in these waters. In this picture i see the sea witch is very clean and the small waves that bothered me all the time, also in this picture I see people that are swimming and a little forest that meets the sea. I like this picture because it has an amazing view and here I can see how the environment changes from the sea to the forest also I like this picture because its a relaxing picture and the dimension of colors make me feel happy. image

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Dominant Impression


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HW: Dominant Impression_KaiBoxill

.Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 10.12.48 PM

Chelsea Piers, July 4th, 2013
In photo: Kai Boxill and Marcos D.S

My friend Deshawn took this picture of my best friend, Marcos and I the fourth of July, 2013. This photo is of Marcos and I enjoying a very funny moment (even though I can not remember exactly what). On the fourth Marcos, Deshawn and I, got off at the West 4th train station and walked down to the far end of Chelsea Piers to wait for the annual Macys’s firework show. What I like so much about this photo is the lighting. The sun was setting when this photo was taken making Marcos and I look almost perfectly sun kissed. Another thing I like is our facial expressions- they are goofy and silly. Our expressions clearly describe our friendship, we share nothing but great times. Lastly, I love how the picture is not perfectly centered- this adds more of a off guard feel to the photo.

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Posting Pics and Dominant Impression

Joining Openlab, Posting to Openlab, and Dominant Impression

Hi Class,

Here is an example of a picture that I took and my description:

Manhattan-Stonehenge, 2011, Sean Scanlan

I took this picture in the early spring of 2011. The shot is of the sun as it is framed by skyscrapers on either side of E. 21st St., looking West, of course. The sun is setting and seems perfectly centered by the “cliffs” or buildings. I was walking with my friend, Tom, and on our way to play ping-pong at a place called Spin, which is a few blocks north of Union Square. What is so interesting about the picture is that the lens created the effect of all the red circles, I never saw them until after clicking the shutter. The red is overwhelming, but I can still make out the street scene. At first, I did not like the white car on the right side, but after further reflection, I liked how it adds perspective and the illusion of speed. Lastly, the lens also created the effect of a bright slash that goes through the street, straight down. I like that “sword” as it bisects the frame.


How to Sign up, Join, and post a photo:

STEP 1: Here is a link to help you set up an account on Openlab.

STEP 2: Here is a link that will help you join my class.

The shortcut to step 2  is that you should click on the menu tab labeled “Course Profile” on this website, then go to the right side and click join now.

STEP 3: Posting a photo.

To add your description, just type inside the box underneath the image that you have posted. Be sure to click the blue “Update” button on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions, please email me. As a last resort, I can post your photo and description if you email it to me…please keep the size of the photo under 1 megabite.


Prof. Scanlan

ps. Description: An Example

Here’s a description of a store:

“It was a narrow room, with a rather high ceiling, and crowded from floor to ceiling with goodies. There were rows and rows of hams and sausages of all shapes and colors–white, yellow, red, and black; fat and lean and round and long–rows of canned preserves, cocoa and tea, bright translucent glass bottles of honey, marmalade, and jam; round bottles and slender bottles, filled with liqueurs and punch–all these things crowded every inch of the shelves from top to bottom. “

-Thomas Mann

What is the dominant impression of this scene?

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Updates for week of October 14-18

Hi Class,

Remember: we do not meet on Tuesday, Oct 15th.

For Thursday, October 17th, we will turn in Essay 2. In a folder, please bring:

1. all drafts

2. final draft

3. peer review sheet: it must be filled out before you turn in your essay. A friend, classmate, or family member can help. But you cannot fill it out yourself.

4. assignment detail sheet

Also: please spend time reviewing your essay to make sure that most of the simple typos are fixed. How to do this?

1. Read your essay out loud to catch mistakes and missing words. This method also helps to catch problems with flow.

2. Have a friend or classmate read your essay. Exchange papers and help each other.

3. Read backwards. This sounds funny, but it is very effective. Start at the end of your essay, and read each sentence in reverse order.


Prof. Scanlan

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Assignments Menu Tab Updated

Hi Class,

Item 1: The Essay 2 assignment details are up. Go to the Assignments menu tab.

Item 2: Do you know how to push your City Tech email into your Gmail or Yahoo account? This might make life easier for you! Ask me.


Prof. Scanlan

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Homework for Tuesday, Oct. 1

Hi Class,

For Tuesday, Journal 3 is due: Remember this is an email journal assignment. Read the assigned essays from our textbook, and then send me an email on your favorite article. Make sure to include: subject line, greeting, body, signature.


Prof. Scanlan

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Updates for Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Hi Class,

I hope that you revisions, editing, and proofing is going well. I’ve updated the weekly schedule on the menu tab.


Prof. Scanlan

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