Essay 5

Brooklyn is one of the most famous if not the most famous borough in all of New York City. The Brooklyn Heights area is one of the most culturally diverse areas and is amongst the most thriving neighborhoods of Brooklyn. It is especially a significant neighborhood because it has been home to some prominent figures such as John and Washington Roebling. The father John Roebling is known for his architectural feat of the Brooklyn Bridge and his son Washington continued the work after his father’s death. Just a few blocks away from Brooklyn Heights is Brooklyn Borough Hall one of the most beautifully constructed buildings in all of Brooklyn. Centered in the heart of Downtown Brooklyn, Borough hall serves as symbol of the rich history of Brooklyn and will remain as a prominent landmark for which tourist can gaze upon. Borough Hall was completed in 1849; it was designed by architects Gamaliel King and Calvin Pollard. Furthermore Brooklyn Borough Hall serves as a center for cultural enhancement through its hosting of many public events such as the Brooklyn book festival.  The Brooklyn Borough Hall area also plays host to the Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket which has brought fresh, local produce to this thriving downtown community. In addition to this Borough Halls architecture distinguishes it from most buildings because it was built in Greek revival form. Borough Hall in the present day is home to borough President Marty Markowitz, who is an elected official who represents Brooklyn.  Borough Hall further symbolizes the glorious era in which Brooklyn was a city of its own, until the merging with New York in 1898. To conclude I want to recap how Brooklyn Borough Hall is a significant landmark; from it’s hosting of the Brooklyn book festival to its significant political contributions to the city of Brooklyn to the City of New York.


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Essay 5

Brooklyn Technical High School is known around as being one of the most decorated high schools in the country. Located in the heart of Fort Greene, the school provides the neighborhood with a fantastic educational establishment.  Because of its sheer reputation as an elite school, Brooklyn Tech lies at the forefront of Fort Greene’s status as an esteemed neighborhood. One aspect that many can hone in on in regards to the school’s excellence is its unique, castle like appearance. It allows anyone to take a mental trip through time to the schools establishment in the 1920’s, when such castle like structures were the norm. The school building gives the surrounding neighborhood a distinct feeling, as though you have stepped into a flux of different timelines. The large 456-ft tower protruding from the top of the school building makes the school the TALLEST structure in the borough, an interesting fact for many adventurers. The school’s reputation also staples it as a place of interest.  According to “U.S News and World Report ‘Best High Schools List’ “in 2008, the school is listed as number 63 in THE WORLD. The school is so above average that, according to Newsweek in 2006, the school was exempt from a list recognizing public high schools that challenge average students because, to be frank, Brooklyn Tech contains only above-average students. All of this fame can be attributed to the school curriculum, most notably, its college major system which, according to the Brooklyn Technical High School official website has majors ranging from Aerospace Engineering to Law and Society. These majors have provided Brooklyn Tech  students with a more engaging experience than college went on to  provide, according to various alumni.  To conclude, Brooklyn Tech is an educational breakthrough for Brooklyn. With the school’s interesting and unique approach to education, coupled with the schools ever growing notoriety, it has remained a definite location worthy of touring in Brooklyn.


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On-site Video Speech

This is my speech done on location, Brooklyn Technical High School. ^_^



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Some clarifications and answers about Essay 5

A number of questions have come my way about Essay 5.  I’ve called this assignment “Revision and Reflection” because that’s what you need to do: you need to revise  Essay 4 into a 300-word piece that will accompany your on-site speech and our map to create our Telling Brooklyn Stories tour package. You need to reflect on what is most important to include in that 300-word piece so that it’s relevant to our Telling Brooklyn Stories learning community. Think about what you’ve learned, what we’ve read and discussed, what we’ve looked at, what you’ve accomplished, and use all of those ideas to help you decide what belongs in that 300-word piece. You can use my comments on your essay to help you with that revision.

I’ve asked you to spend three hours on this project. I thought that setting a parameter like that would help everyone see how big or small the project is, and how much time it should take at this very busy time of year. If I were to ask you about how you spent the three hours, you might tell me that you sat down for three hours straight so you could really concentrate on what you needed to do, or that you worked on it in 6 30-minute increments, so that you could keep having fresh ideas as you revised.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask them here.

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Main points in Lopate’s “Brooklyn Bridge”

working monument

unique and once cutting-edge architecture–different from other bridges

meaningful/lovable to residents and tourists

history–Roeblings, sickness, corruption, hardship


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Professor Rosen’s Class Summary 11/28

During this class hour and fifteen minutes, we went over Lopate’s esaay called “The Brooklyn Bridge.” Well we only went over one page, which was 246.  It was basically a summary of the creation and construction of the bridge and its history.  We also noticed that it was a one full page sentence.  Professor Rosen explained to us how the author, Lopate was able to do such a thing.  He used the punctuations very well in that whole page, especially the comas, semi-colens and the dash to convey the history of the bridge.  Many vocabulary words were also called out and thoroughly explained.

We also worked on essay 4 and its thesis statements.  As a whole class we worked on making a better thesis statement for a classmate and even mine too.  We all collaborated in making a more specific thesis about the Brooklyn Navy Yard.  After that, we took my broad thesis statement and made it into a more specified statement as well.  Something to easily work with in a essay. Professor Rosen has posted our revised thesis statements so you are able to see the improvement between what we came up with on our own and what the class came up with.

Professor Rosen also told us to write a cover letter for our essay at the end, after the works cited page and posted the questions on OpenLab.  The deadline for the essay was to be on Friday, November 30th at 9am.  Hopefully everyone was able to hand in their essays in the dropbox website.

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Cover letter for Essay 4–due Friday morning

Please include in the same file as your essay a cover letter addressed to me that includes your responses to the following questions. Your essay is due in the Essay 4 folder in our shared Dropbox by Friday morning. Please contact me via email with any questions.

  • What are you most proud of in this essay?
  • What did you find most difficult?
  • How do the sources you chose to incorporate contribute to your essay?
  • Did you remember to include MLA-formatted in-text citations to give credit to your sources and boost your credibility as a writer? Use the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) for guidance on formatting.
  • Did you remember to include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page? For help, use to generate your citations, or use the guidance of the sites suggested by our library or the Purdue OWL here and the following pages?
  • What would you change if you had more time?
  • Is there anything else you would like me to know as I read your essay?
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Extended hours at the Learning Center

Need help with one of your classes, or a place to use a computer? The Atrium Learning Center has extended its hours for the end of the semester. Click on the flyer below, or download a copy here.

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drafting thesis statements for Essay 4

The Brooklyn Navy Yard became an icon after WWII. Years later, it created an impact on the economy and the modern society of America.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard became an icon after WWII; years later, it created an impact on the economy and the modern society of America.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard became an icon after WWII because it created an impact on the economy and the modern society of America.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard became an icon after WWII but then faded until years later, when its resurgence created an impact on the economy and the modern society of America.

After the Brooklyn Navy Yard became an icon in WWII, it faded, but has recently seen a resurgence that is having an impact on the economy and culture of America.


The Brooklyn Bridge has remained alive in the city of Brooklyn, not only because it is still a functional monument for transportation and traffic, but also to the tourists who came from all over the world to walk the 20 minutes across the bridge, enjoying its view.

The Brooklyn Bridge has remained vital in New York, not only because it is functional for transportation, but also because it is a monument visited by admiring New Yorkers and tourists who walk the 20 minutes across the bridge for its architectural beauty and amazing views.


Why is BBP worth visiting? BBP is worth visiting because of its history and the events that go on there.

The BBP does not only have a storied past but promising future because of the cultural impact it is having on its visitors. warehouses, Jane’s carousel


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The Brooklyn Bridge- Phillip Lopate

On page 248 in the ‘BROOKLYN BRIDGE”. Phillip lopate describes some of the interesting facts about the Brooklyn bridge  and it significance in literature. for instance the fact the Brooklyn bridge is actually an extension of the street system. therefore its not only free but  their is also an area where civilians can walk on.  making it very unique . this factor gives the Brooklyn bridge an atmosphere of community and serenity something that can only be said about the Brooklyn bridge. because of this atmosphere and availability of access also allowed it to be a subject of topic for many artist and poets.  and therefore becoming an i con like no other.

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Brooklyn bridge summary page 245

On page 245 the author Phillip Lopate talks about the raw profile into the view of the bridge. He also examples in detail of  the beauty of the bridge by describing why he thinks Brooklyn Bridge is such an beautiful place to see. Lopate describe the elegance of the cables that bend downward across the bridge and he alsomentions how the style is similar to a  gothic, neoclassical, French renaissance style. He described it as a yielding an effect that has been compared it to a harp, spider’s web, angels’ wings. So, baiscally he was talking about the Aesthics of the brooklyn bridge.

Glossary Words

Dissonance- inharmonious or harash sound,discord

yielding- tending to give way, or  inclined to give in, submissive

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page 247 summary

on page 247 the author compares the brooklyn bridge to other bridges in the past for example: babylon and her hanging garden, egypt her pyramid, Athens her acropolis, rome her atheneum so brooklyn is as her bridge. he talks about the significance about the brooklyn bridge to brooklyn and brooklynites. he signifies the bridge in such away that it explains the importance of it. he talks about how the brooklyn put to different world together. it creates a path between city hall of new york and city hall of brooklwn. it unifies to great cities. he describes that as a rope being tied to the waist and fulling them together and closer. he also refers to an author who states in 1900 AD brooklyn will be the city and new york will be the suburb. written my george Templeton strong. he also talks about the importance of brooklyn on real estate that attracted middle class business men. in some parts he also explains brooklyn being more nicer and better than new york city. he explains that it has more space to grow and that manhattan is small and has no space. then he says that on one anticipated manhattan would grow vertically. he means that no one predicted that such a small area would have so much potential. they all thought that brooklyn would grow to be greater because it had more space but manhattan grew vertically because the sky is the limit vertically.

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Page 246 Summary

On page 246, Lopate tells us the way that the Brooklyn Bridge was built and the process with every detail but with a very quick summary of basically everything.  On that page, the author explains the origins of the Brooklyn Bridge, where the idea sparked first which was a german immigrant Roebling but he had died before the project was even released then his son had taken the project over.  The bridge was not completed though when his son had passed on so the project was left to his wife.  Many workers had died during the construction, many with acquired diseases from work. There were also those who would try to take advantage of the health situation that Roebling had and tried to take over and/or steal the project from him and his wife.  His cunning wife would not allow it.  Also a few corrupt manufactures that would try to pass on not inspected materials, which some did get through to the bridge.  That is what my assigned page was mostly about.

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“The Brooklyn Bridge” by Phillip Lopate pg 247

The page I was assigned to read talks to us in a very rich vocabulary and paints mental images in our minds. It also shows how proud and fascinated the author is with the Brooklyn Bridge. He says that the bridge is an engineering marvel and is a important landmark in Brooklyn which is shown through the following line from his essay  Babon had her hanging gardens, Egypt her pyramid, Athens her Acropolis, Rome her Atheneum, so Brooklyn has her Bridge”. I also learned that it was made to tie togehter New York’s City Hall and Brooklyns City Hall together. Finally you see his sense of pride when he oncludes a quote from George Templeton Strong, ” I hereby prophecy that in 1900 AD Brooklyn will be the city and New York will be the suburb”

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11/19/12 English class summary

During Mondays class we talked about the reading, ” The Brooklyn Bridge fact and symbols”. We also talked about our essay which the draft is due on 11/21 in our drop box folder. Also we each got split into groups of three and were all assigned a page from the essay “The Brooklyn Bridge” by Philip Lopate. Everyone was assigned a different task such as, glossary, finding the sources the author used, the authors way of writting and we all have to write a brief summary from our page assigned and post it on the open lab before class.

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