Professor Rosen’s Class Summary 11/28

During this class hour and fifteen minutes, we went over Lopate’s esaay called “The Brooklyn Bridge.” Well we only went over one page, which was 246.  It was basically a summary of the creation and construction of the bridge and its history.  We also noticed that it was a one full page sentence.  Professor Rosen explained to us how the author, Lopate was able to do such a thing.  He used the punctuations very well in that whole page, especially the comas, semi-colens and the dash to convey the history of the bridge.  Many vocabulary words were also called out and thoroughly explained.

We also worked on essay 4 and its thesis statements.  As a whole class we worked on making a better thesis statement for a classmate and even mine too.  We all collaborated in making a more specific thesis about the Brooklyn Navy Yard.  After that, we took my broad thesis statement and made it into a more specified statement as well.  Something to easily work with in a essay. Professor Rosen has posted our revised thesis statements so you are able to see the improvement between what we came up with on our own and what the class came up with.

Professor Rosen also told us to write a cover letter for our essay at the end, after the works cited page and posted the questions on OpenLab.  The deadline for the essay was to be on Friday, November 30th at 9am.  Hopefully everyone was able to hand in their essays in the dropbox website.

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