Please include in the same file as your essay a cover letter addressed to me that includes your responses to the following questions. Your essay is due in the Essay 4 folder in our shared Dropbox by Friday morning. Please contact me via email with any questions.
- What are you most proud of in this essay?
- What did you find most difficult?
- How do the sources you chose to incorporate contribute to your essay?
- Did you remember to include MLA-formatted in-text citations to give credit to your sources and boost your credibility as a writer? Use the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) for guidance on formatting.
- Did you remember to include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page? For help, use to generate your citations, or use the guidance of the sites suggested by our library or the Purdue OWL here and the following pages?
- What would you change if you had more time?
- Is there anything else you would like me to know as I read your essay?