class summary 9/19/12 english

in our english class we were visited by to women that were from BHS. it started as a normal english class however we were in or speech room instead of our english room. we did a very interesting activity. Professor Rosen gave us vocabulary words and our task was to define each word and put it in a category. This was kind of like archival research. it was to help us prepare for what we will be doing in BHS. after we defined the words we were suppose to tape the paper under a category that the word best fit in. this activity was very fun. we then moved to our english class because there was a class that was suppose to be in the speech classroom after us. Our two guests gave us forms for video and photo release just so they have our permission. they went over specific regulations that we would need to follow in order to protect the documents that were in BHS. this was very helpful because i found out that even light can hurt a document and shatter it. this was very interesting. I also learned that we cannot take any document or any artifact home. we then continued our walking tour around downtown brooklyn. we arrived at place where there used to be a theater that burned down to the ground. we also talked about a famous speaker back in the days who is not well known anymore. we ended our tour at BHS. we were dismissed from there and sent home or to our next class.

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