Some clarifications and answers about Essay 5

A number of questions have come my way about Essay 5.  I’ve called this assignment “Revision and Reflection” because that’s what you need to do: you need to revise  Essay 4 into a 300-word piece that will accompany your on-site speech and our map to create our Telling Brooklyn Stories tour package. You need to reflect on what is most important to include in that 300-word piece so that it’s relevant to our Telling Brooklyn Stories learning community. Think about what you’ve learned, what we’ve read and discussed, what we’ve looked at, what you’ve accomplished, and use all of those ideas to help you decide what belongs in that 300-word piece. You can use my comments on your essay to help you with that revision.

I’ve asked you to spend three hours on this project. I thought that setting a parameter like that would help everyone see how big or small the project is, and how much time it should take at this very busy time of year. If I were to ask you about how you spent the three hours, you might tell me that you sat down for three hours straight so you could really concentrate on what you needed to do, or that you worked on it in 6 30-minute increments, so that you could keep having fresh ideas as you revised.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask them here.

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