Page 246 Summary

On page 246, Lopate tells us the way that the Brooklyn Bridge was built and the process with every detail but with a very quick summary of basically everything.  On that page, the author explains the origins of the Brooklyn Bridge, where the idea sparked first which was a german immigrant Roebling but he had died before the project was even released then his son had taken the project over.  The bridge was not completed though when his son had passed on so the project was left to his wife.  Many workers had died during the construction, many with acquired diseases from work. There were also those who would try to take advantage of the health situation that Roebling had and tried to take over and/or steal the project from him and his wife.  His cunning wife would not allow it.  Also a few corrupt manufactures that would try to pass on not inspected materials, which some did get through to the bridge.  That is what my assigned page was mostly about.

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