Reading “The Brooklyn Bridge” by Phillip Lopate

In your groups, work together to be able to write your own summary of the page you were assigned. To do this work, your group should:

  1. identify words you don’t know or words your classmates might not know to add to our glossary. You will need to define these words to complete this assignment, but you might divide the list among your groupmates.
  2. identify what in the page stands out to you. Write about it.
  3. identify research that Lopate has done, resources he refers to. Think about how you will incorporate research into your writing, and think about how Lopate’s writing can be a model for you.

Before our next class, write a comment here that 4. summarizes your group’s page. You will need to read the whole essay to complete this, and to know the meanings of the words you identify in class. In your summary, be sure to identify your assigned page number.

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