Reflection on computer session

In our  Wednesday session of Eng 1101 we had a double period which consisted of finishing our reading of “Reading Lucy” as well as a visit to a computer lab.  In our computer lab visit Professor Rosen began by having each student introduce the area which they have chosen to do there essay upon and also there reason for choosing that specific location. For those who have not chosen a location this was the time for them to do that. Furthermore fro those who did not formulate there thesis Professor Rosen had them work on there thesis. Along with this we used our computers to open up Openlab from which we opened a link to a map. The purpose of the map was to show the areas that the students had chosen for there essays and Professor Rosen plotted them on the smart board which displayed the map. Also i believe an underlying purpose of the map was to show the areas where many students took interest. Following this we went onto begin our in class research for the locations we chose for our essays. We revisited our college library’s website to review how to use the various search engines that provide credible sources.  I used the EBSCO search engine to find any sources that provide info as to the history of Brooklyn Borough Hall. I found some very compelling articles related to the location i choose which was Brooklyn Borough Hall.

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