Daily Archives: November 18, 2012

Wednesday session

On our Wednesday session for english we had a double period session for english since professor davis was out. In the first half we talked about Reading Lucy. we talked about details that we found very interesting. How Lucy wrote … Continue reading

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The Brooklyn Bridge, hw post 11/1,

In his essay, “The Brooklyn Bridge”, Phillip Lopate depicts the Brooklyn Bridge as lovable. Through out Lopate’s essay he gives reasons to why the bridge is lovable and why it has remained lovable through out it’s Lifespan. Along with each reason he states, … Continue reading

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On our Wednesday class we had a double period of English. The first period was spent talking about the reading “Reading Lucy” and how we feel about it and had a class discussion. After that we went upstairs to a … Continue reading

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Reflection on computer session

In our  Wednesday session of Eng 1101 we had a double period which consisted of finishing our reading of “Reading Lucy” as well as a visit to a computer lab.  In our computer lab visit Professor Rosen began by having each … Continue reading

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