Reading Lucy Summary

in reading lucy jennifer is a woman that is trying to learn the history about Brooklyn’s navy yard. instead she gets carried away and goes more deeply into learning more about Lucy kolkin and her life. she goes to the brooklyn historical society and reads the letters that Lucy herself wrote to her husband during World War Two. Her husband was in the navy and she frequently wrote to him. Lucy would work night shifts at the Navy yard and would right to her Husband every chance she got. As jennifer read more and more she became more interested in her way of life. It was quite similar to her life. she started to compare to her life and how she lived. She was so intrigued that she started asking herself questions about how her life was compared to a hard working woman like her. She wanted to know more about how her life was. she went so deep into her love story that she came to a point where the letters had stopped. the letters stopped because lucy was planning on moving closer to her husband and working as a waitress in san Francisco, California. this made Jennifer very anxious so she did a search on the internet for lucy’s name and discovered everything about her. this is when she started to question her life and she knew the outcome of the story and did not want to read more but she did. she also read some of Al’s letters and discovered he was also a peppy individual like lucy. In the end she was astonished about the information she discovered just by reading a woman’s letters to her husband.

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