Who Knows Brooklyn

The article “Who Knows Brooklyn” by Ben McGrath is about a feud between two authors claiming that they know Brooklyn better then anyone else.  Brian Merlis and John Manbeck criticize each others work without even having an open mind as to why the other said something different about a certain picture or even an event.  The battle between who knows Brooklyn began when Merlis was inclined to delivery a critique about a book he had received as a present from a friend about photographs in Brooklyn.  He said that the book was wrong and had many mistakes as to what Brooklyn really is or was back then in the photographs.  Manbeck answered back to his criticism and questioned Merlis’s credibility, whether he was fit to even know what Brooklyn’s history was back then.  The feud goes on and on as the two authors just fire back at each other calling each other names and having lack of knowledge.  This feud is very irrelevant to what Brooklyn really is, everyone is entitled to their opinions, especially about Brooklyn because it keeps changing all the time.  A place may have so much significance to one person or just mean nothing to another.  It just takes the right pair of eyes and an open mind to see what is present in front of you.  Merlis and Manbeck have a different point of view in everything, this would be a good example of different perspectives.  They are just too stubborn to realize what else there is to see in a photograph other then just each others thoughts.

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