“who knows brooklyn”

This article talks about two guys. Bran merlis and jhon man beck. two of these men are Brooklyn natives. they are also book writers ,article writers , photographer sand john a publisher . they specially  seek to gather information on Brooklyn and really  share its rich history with others. and try encapsulate  the life and  life style of the people in Brooklyn then and now. these are freelancer there passion is what drives them.  trying  to create genuine images of Brooklyn. neither are trained historians .man beck thought journalism at kings borough community college and  merlis was  a former high school social studies teacher . in this article that both share hatred  for each other . both discrediting each others work.for lack sincerity,information and credibility. both believing they are truly experts in the field.

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One Response to “who knows brooklyn”

  1. Hakim B says:

    I like your post, it’s nice and short, but at the same time gaining most of the important parts of the story. The question I’d say is how do we know who knows more? Are they both in it for the money or do they really enjoy Brooklyn stories.

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