Who knows Brooklyn

New York magazine published an article titled ‘Who Knows Brooklyn’. It was given this that title because it is about two authors who claim to know Brooklyn more than the other. Brian Merlis, author of 15 books about Brooklyn,Ā received John Manbeck’s, another author of Brooklyn, book as a present. He sent a review of Manbeck’s book to the Brooklyn Paper and Brooklyn Daily. He trashed Manbeck’s book and said it was better off in a fire then in a bookshelf. Merlis claimed that Mancbeck’s information in his book was inaccurate and Manback retorts that Merlis’ information from his book was stolen from theĀ Kings-boroughĀ Historical Society.Ā ApparentlyĀ neitherĀ of them are trained historians however. Basically this article illustrates the importance of credibility of information, citing information, and realizing the responsibility, as a writer, to put out correct andĀ credibleĀ information.

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