Daily Archives: October 16, 2012


Ben McGrath’s Who Knows Brooklyn is a short article about two feuding authors Brian Merlis and John Manbeck. Both authors Merlis and Manbeck believe they have superior expertise when it comes to knowledge about Brooklyn. The origination of their feud … Continue reading

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who knows brooklyn

this story that we read in class was about a two authors that were basically always criticizing each others work. they were both pretty old. one was 54 years old. there were some vocabulary words that were in the story … Continue reading

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Who Knows Brooklyn? – Summary

In this short passage from “The New Yorker” we get this interesting “tug of war” between two authors who are battling for whos more credible when it comes to Brooklyn and its history. The passage starts out with the introduction … Continue reading

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Where im from revised

where im from, you would find many different cultures all mixed together. cultures ranging form pakisani, indian, bengali, asian, to african amercan, we all live peacefully together in harmony. where im from, if you woke up late at night you … Continue reading

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The short story we had to read “Who Knows Brooklyn?” is about two authors that both claim to know all about Brooklyn and are experts at it, but they are both very biased and different. John Manbeck is the first … Continue reading

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